Readings and Resources for the Market Week

Many thanks to readers who offered their best practices resources as comments to this post.  If you scan those comments, you'll see quite a few worthwhile sources of information and perspective.  It only takes one or two, added to your routine, to make a meaningful difference in your generation of ideas.  Per the quote above, fresh information sources create fresh internal conversations.  Exposure to divergent views is a great way to build cognitive flexibility and creative insight.

In the spirit of facilitating fresh internal conversations, here are several additional fine reads:

Excellent proverbs from Tom Wiswell, courtesy of Daily Spec.

*  Really excellent example of a structured method for finding trade setups from Trader Hacks.

*  Thanks to an inspirational portfolio manager for this piece on Einstein's thought process.

Worthwhile crowdsourced favorites from Abnormal Returns.

*   Excellent macro blog takes a look at selling EURUSD.

*  Mathematicians take a hard look at a commonly cited seasonal tendency of the stock market.

Have a great start to the week.  I'll be posting market preparation via StockTwits:  @steenbab.


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