New Views for a New Market Week

Well, hope your weekend was a gift at the very least.  Here are links to useful views that just might provide a bit of stimulation for the start of the week:

*  How the U.S. is outperforming the world and other excellent perspectives from Abnormal Returns.  Also check out views on robo-advisors and smart beta from Abnormal Returns.  Increasingly, the AR site covers a far broader range of topics than markets.  Great way to keep up with the world.

Excellent perspectives on strategy from Daily Speculations;

*  Now this is absolutely fascinating:  From Eric Scott Hunsader, a video visualization of how the average trade size has declined in recent years.  If you doubted the impact of algos on the stock market, this should open your eyes.

A wealth of useful market data from Kora Reddy and Pastat.

*  Emotional resilience:  Crosshairs Trader outlines the many frustrating situations traders need to learn to deal with.

*   A slowdown, not a breakdown, so far in the stock market, from Brian Shannon and AlphaTrends.

Excellent ideas re: trading volatility from the Trading the Odds site.

Have a great start to the week!



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