More On Free Trader Resources

My last post outlined several new resources for developing traders. One of the most popular resources has been the Twitter posts, which have included links to important market themes, daily market indicator readings, and intraday market comments. Subscription to the Twitter feed is free, providing a blog within the TraderFeed blog.

It's important, however, to have a big picture grasp of markets and how they move. For that reason, I began an e-book project that I called "An Introduction to Trading". The goal was to provide a conceptual framework for short-term trading that could aid active traders. This week, I will resume writing chapters for the book. All chapters are archived here, on the Trading Coach blog.

Eventually the book will include annotated charts with examples of trading patterns. The Twitter posts will then help to identify these patterns in real time. My hope is that the combination of the resources will provide practical guidance for traders who cannot afford thousands of dollars for education and training. The beauty of an e-book is that it can always be updated and revised, and it's available in real time for anyone in the world who has an online connection.

Thanks as always for your interest and support--



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