New Resources for Developing Traders

As readers are no doubt aware, the new book The Daily Trading Coach is designed as a self-help resource for traders who are looking to utilize psychology to improve their trading performance. What, however, if you have trouble applying the book's ideas and techniques to your own trading? Two special resources are available in support of the book:

The first is the Become Your Own Trading Coach blog, which includes archived material from the TraderFeed blog and will eventually include supplementary material for the new book. See, for example, the trading techniques linkfest and the archived posts on developing yourself as a trader. Through this blog, the content for the new book will continually update, addressing reader questions and concerns.

The second special resource is that the new book includes a dedicated email address that readers can use to ask me coaching questions. The questions should refer to specific portions and page numbers of the new book; I will promply email you my best replies. This reflects my commitment to make the book as practical and useful a resource for you as possible.

And for traders that are looking for trading guidance? I will be refining the Twitter posts to make them as helpful for traders as possible. Your feedback on those real time posts will be invaluable going forward. And, yes, I haven't forgotten the next book project: the free e-book that will offer An Introduction to Trading. Stay tuned!



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