Some Basic Concept You Should Know Before Learn Forex Robot

When you try to learn How to making forex robots. You will know that forex programming language  is really hard to learn but you still know how to learn it. Not just you everyone feel the same too at the time when they first meet with forex programming language, not just on forex this is the same with another programming language.

In Metaquotes Language, You will find there are so much term that maybe wont you understand so we will explain it before you dive deeper to the forex programming language.

1. Tick

Tick is an event that is characterized by a new price of the symbol at some instant. Dealing Center have a server that send  data to the client and its called tick. Tick represent the market price  change. When We are connected to the Dealing Center Server, They wont stop  to sending to us some market price changing until the connestion is lost. Whether the price goes up or goes  down We will always get the data as long as the connection still established

2. Control

Control is a processing program Algorithm  based on the preset setting on the client terminal. Control is  transferrable to another program from one line code to  another one as well as from the program to the client terminal

3. Comment

Comment is a must on every programming language. Comment is really helpfull when you try to making a milliion lines code. You will confuse when you want to editing your code. You will hard to find that because you will see too  much code line. Comment would helping you to write something in your code line and the code wont be executed by the client terminal. It is very useful when you want to telling yourself the function of code that you has write before so when you see this again for long time you can know how its function easily. The Comment code is written by two kind of comment form. The whole Comment or multi line commnet by typing this /*  at the beginning and */ at the end, Anything you write between those code wont be executed by the program. The other one is one line comment, this kind comment just would telling to the program to not execting a line that opened by this code // . When you put this code your  program. A line wont be executed at all.


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