Weekend Briefing

* A sobering look at the debt problem and continued prospects for housing foreclosures;

* Still demand for Treasuries, but purchases of Agencies and asset backed securities have "fallen off a cliff";

* Cargo data yet to show a bottom;

* Here is an excellent set of readings with an international, macro perspective; great site;

* Misperceptions of economic growth and more good readings for a Saturday;

* A look at deflation in the eurozone;

* Preferred stocks are on a tear and more good reading;

* Traffic on the blog is up 40% in the last three months and has doubled since May, 2008. With increased traffic comes increased email, and for the first time ever, it's reached a level where it is physically impossible for me to keep up with it. I apologize for the dilemma. As promised, I will still take questions about trading and psychology to those who write to me at the dedicated email address at the end of the Trading Coach book. Thanks for your understanding.


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