Evening Briefing for June 29th

* MARKET THEMES FROM MONDAY: Low volume; large caps outperform small caps, creating weak participation on the rise; U.S. dollar weak vs. euro; oil strong. Wrap-up of the market day.

* OVERSEAS/OVERNIGHT NUMBERS: 4 AM CT - Japan, Housing Starts, Construction Orders; 5:45 AM CT/5:50 AM CT - France, Housing Starts, PPI; 7:00 AM CT - Germany, Labor Statistics; 7:00 AM CT - Italy, PPI; 7:30 AM CT - UK GDP; 8:00 AM CT - Italy, Provisional CPI; 8:00 AM CT - EU Inflation; 9:00 AM CT - France, CPI; 11:30 AM CT - Canada, GDP.


-- Nice summary of what central banks have been up to;

-- Excellent overview of economic data;

-- Companies to avoid due to poor earnings quality;

-- Recap of the major stock market averages;

-- Pictures of the financial crisis and more excellent links;

-- Questioning the China growth story;

-- Great catch: Problems with Treasury plan to buy bank shares.


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